Stickers are a tangible reward following a session of engaging, encouraging, and inspiring games.
Our sticker chart takes it one step further. Those tangible rewards are collected, and together, teach our Diddikickers the value of patience, persistence, and perseverance...
One class at a time
One week at a time
One sticker at a time
...Our Diddikickers can fill their sticker chart and earn their Development Beyond Football Award

When a Diddikicker fills their sticker chart, we recognise the commitment and hard work it has taken to do so.
As a reward, they are gifted and presented with a money-can’t-buy* prize by their coaches in front of their team mates:
A Diddikicks Football Kit (shirt and shorts) personalised with their name and a number of their choosing in gold lined letters and numbers and a gold foil crest on their sleeve for all to see and recognise their achievement.


That all sounds great...but what is Development Beyond Football?
Learn More

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